
ANB Chap.5 Dinner Party

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         I groaned, and picked myself up. I hadn't been moved from where I'm sure I had landed. I had slowly returned to my humanized form. Anger boiled in my chest. The beast's loud snoring made me realize I had wasted away an entire day. I rubbed my eyes and moved towards the door. I pushed it open and glared at the full moon. How dare it mock me!
        I kicked a few pebbles angrily before entering my quarters. Blankets were tossed messily here and there, spilled soup stained the floor, and feathers flew up wildly.  Kukiel and Gully screamed. The loftwing was keeping them from Link; with his wings stretched wide, as it squawked louder and louder.
        "Shut that bird up!" I snapped. Gully passed me a "what-the-hell-do-you-think-we're-trying-to-do?" look, and turned his attention once more to the loftwing.
        I scowled over at the child. I could handle this stupid bird without him! I lunged at the bird trying to grasp his enormous beak.
        The only thing I was grasping was the floor! The bird had dashed out of the way, but had left Link. I picked up the infant and scowled. Stupid bird!
        "Clean this mess up!" I hissed. The children's eyes widened and they looked for a place to start. They glanced wildly back and forth but couldn't decide.
       "We don't have anything to clean with," Gully commented softly. I sighed, and shook my head. My quarters never got dirty so I didn't have a need for cleaning supplies.
        "Then let's go make your quarters out in Faron woods. Kukiel grab the horrid bird, would you?" She nodded and grabbed the loftwing. The poor thing never saw it coming. Gully reached over for Link casting me brief eye contact.
        I pulled Link away slightly. Link was the only thing keeping me from unleashing all of my anger on the children. I shook my head. Gully sighed, looking disappointed.
        "Are you all ready to go?" I asked, scanning the children over. They nodded and I shook my head. "Your clothes," I snickered at the spots. It was funnier than I had imagined. "You need better clothes than those… You'll freeze to death like that." They glanced down at themselves and sighed simultaneously. Uh- weird!
        "Then what should we wear?" Gully questioned. He was irritated, but at what beat me.
        "Put on your other clothes," I said shrugging casually.
        "They're dirty and are growing holes," Gully complained once more.
        "Fine then! Freeze for all I care!" With a snap of my fingers we were in Faron Woods once more; just a few miles from the Sealed Grounds. The children were silent and I had to check to make sure that I had indeed brought them along with me.
        "What is wrong with you guys?" I hissed. I didn't want my foul mood anymore tainted by their mood rubbing off on me.
       "Nothing," Gully said shortly. Stupid brat, I don't need your bull! My lips pressed tightly together, and I guess they felt my anger boiling. Gully quickly changed the pace of the conversation. "So what should we do first, Ghira?"
        A wicked grin crossed my lips. That nickname was adorable. "I say we should start a fire," I looked at the surrounding woods. It would surely be sad if it all burned to the ground. "That means large rocks, too. If you start a forest fire then Faron will flood these woods. Faron has still yet to die even with the poison in her system."
        "Okay," was all he said before he awkwardly scrambled off. He fiddled with a few rocks, testing them. He made sure they were all dry and tossed then back towards our imaginary camp boundaries. I swayed idly, having nothing to do.
        A cough quickly changed that. I glanced towards Kukiel. Here cough was dry and rusty, like dry bones rattling together. "Are you sick?" I growled. If she was sick that meant even more hell for me. She could get Link sick… and then… Oh goddess she better not be sick. She nodded slowly and I huffed. "How long have you been ill?"
        "I started coughing and sneezing a few hours ago," she explained. Her cheeks were paled despite the chill. The blush should have engulfed her face to keep her warm. She was in a cold sweat, her breathing labored. How had I not noticed that? It explained her lack of words.
        "Have you handled Link?" I questioned, feeling unnerved. She shook her head and a faint sigh of relief escaped me. "And the bird, will it grow sick?" She shook her head once more. I leaned over towards her. I removed my glove and placed the back of my hand to her forehead.
She leaned into my touch, a relieved exhale escaping her purple lips. She was at an odd temperature- burning forehead, but freezing cheeks.
        "Why didn't you say anything earlier?" I crossed my arms, awaiting her answer.
        "Because all we heard was you scream earlier and nothing else... I assumed you were busy," she grumbled. Her voice was raspy as if she were losing it.
        "Oh," was all I could manage to say. That was hours ago... What did she think I was doing? I glanced down at my clothes realizing I had never changed. The blood ran down in streams, seeping into every crack possible. I suddenly felt dry and dirty. It really bugged me. Were these children so used to blood that she didn't even bother to ask me to change? Not that I would have if she had asked out of spite, but still. I think they're starting to grow on me.
        "Is this enough?" Gully's voice invaded my thoughts once more and I turned to face him. Well, the sticks really. He had them stacked so high you couldn't tell if he had a face or not. I nodded and he quickly dropped the sticks. I snickered seeing Link jump. I don't remember ever setting him down... Guess I did it when I checked Kukiel's temperature.
        "How'd you get those so fast, anyhow?" Kukiel asked.
        "I met this rock looking guy back over there," he pointed towards the deeper part of the forest. I don't recall him actually leaving, though. I'm going to fail as a guardian. One thought in my head and I could be gone for several moments.
        "Ghirahim... Ghirahim!" Gully shouted at me. I snapped from my ironic trance and furrowed my brows together.
        "What are those rock people called?" Gully awaited an answer. Although, I saw Kukiel's eyes dance with curiosity as well.
        "Gorons?" I said. I didn't mean to make it sound like 'Gorons ya moron'. I suppose it's just a nasty habit of mine. He looked reluctant to ask any more questions but he quickly pushed passed it and threw even more questions at me.
        "Why was there only one? Don't they travel together? How hard is their skin? Are all Gorons 'exploring the ancient land' and talking about singing to butterflies?" he took a breather but continued on nonetheless. "He also said Link was dead... Is that true?"
        "Most Gorons have gone extinct, Gorons used to live on the mountains as a large tribe but loners never traveled together, let's just say if they fell on a  boulder they wouldn't be hurt; the boulder would. It split in half, actually," I was out of breath, too. Although the hardest part about his questions was remembering which order they had come in. Then there was the final question. "Link did die," I half lied, giving the baby an unintended glance.
        I saw something die in him right there. Like his spirit. The fact that he had just realized all of this was real. Link was dead and this wasn't just some bad dream. He turned his back to me in a vain attempt to hide his tears. Kukiel was crying, too. Her face buried into the bird's feathers. Alright, now I just felt like crap. I scratched at my rounded ear self-consciously.
        One thing didn't go unnoticed, though. The sky was brightening once more. The sunlight made me feel groggy from lack of actual sleep. Passing out wasn't sleep although anything sounded inviting right about now. "I must return to my master," I bite my tongue afterwards. They didn't need to know that! Now their eyes sparkled with more curiosity and I waved them off. "I'll be back in a few hours," I pointed to the sun and continued on, "When the sun is at its peak I'll be back." They passed me an odd look but sleep crusted at their eyes, too.
        I snatched the loftwing from Kukiel's arms and banished it back to my quarters with an easy snap. Panic crossed her face, but I didn't care. "I expect a fire to be lit, and logs to be chopped down for later use of building." I summoned an axe and dropped it on the ground.
        "Why can't you just poof our house up?" Gully smart mouthed his puffy red eyes making it impossible for me to take him seriously.
        "Because then you'll be just as weak and useless at the end of the house completion as you are now. And my magic isn't a game, child! It's for strict reasons. Plus, I can only summon so much at a time before you get me powerless." I glared at the sun once more. First the moon now the sun! Mocking me like always! I disappeared in diamonds and was in the kitchen.
        Ugh! I'd forgotten my glove. I pulled off the other one and tucked it away in my belt. I wiggled my fingers filling as anxiety built up in my chest. I grabbed at the pots and such, and pondered on Demise's breakfast. Cuccoo eggs and Mogma tail sounded fair. My lips made a flat line as I searched the kitchen for seasonings. I aligned each in the order of which I would need them. Finally, I moved to grabbing the massive eggs and furred tail.
        I sat through the agonizingly long process of plucking the tail before chopping it up in 57 small pieces. I tapped the eggs on the counter before they splat into the pot I was using. Kikwi milk was quickly added in next. I stirred it slowly, amused by how the white quickly conquered the yellow. The yellow still fought though, showing in little streaks. I abandoned my work and headed outside grabbing the fresh pail of water the moblins had fetched. At least they were good for something. I strode back into the kitchen the water sloshing around loudly.
        I measured out three cups of water and stirred it into the mix. I glared at the untouched sticks in the corner of the room. I struck them up quickly creating the fire. Child's play when you learned how to do such things. I stirred the pot more, drifting off into my own wonderland once more. The food looked odd to say the least. Milky eggs. How... tasteful? I seasoned the odd mix and it slowly grew a brownish color. I finally added the Mogma tail and glared at the food. Who in their right mind would eat this? I sprinkled a bit of sugar in and set it over the fire.
        I sat on the floor next to the cooking food, one leg placed over the other and bouncing up and down idly. I tended my nails, scanning them over and over again. Don't you just hate it when something seems wrong but you just can't place it? Yea, that's how my nails were.
        The sun crept higher and shadows ran from it, growing longer and longer. The food was finally done and it didn't look as bad cooked. Kind of like what the Skylofians called oatmeal. Oatmeal for giants is more like it though. I snatched it off the fire and scrambled over to the counter. I always forgot the mits! I blew on my hands and waved them frantically. Owowow! I closed my eyes and waited for the pain to ease. It finally did.
        I stole a bowl from the cupboards, and set it on the counter. I have the food one final stir to the pot before pouring it into the bowl. As if on cue Demise stood at the doorway. His flaming hair messily sticking out every which way. How was that even possible? I shrugged it off and shoved a spoon into the meal.
        "It's hot, sir," I warned handing it to him. He scuffed as if to say 'I have flaming hair, nothing is too hot for me,' and took the bowl away.
        "Get out," he commanded and pointed towards the exit. Rude, wasn't he? I just slaved over the flaming pot and not even a single thank you. I hope your scorch your mouth! I thought bitterly and headed for the door.
        "You'll be joining me for dinner tonight, also," he added. I scowled slightly. That never meant good news. I casted him a questioning look, and without even seeing my gesture he continued. "We're having guest over. I suggest you clean the blood from your clothes and return here promptly," he said dryly.
        I sighed shakily and nodded. Who was still alive to visit us? I couldn't help but feel it was just another one of Demise's evil mind games. I walked back to my house and pushed the door open lazily. The loftwing was all nice and cozy on my bed. I envied his resting spirit. I snapped my fingers and the room returned to its normal clean self. Yet, I also felt drained. Wasting so much energy on such simple tasks, I think I'm growing to be lazy. I shrugged it off and slumped on my bed my eyes sliding shut.
        They must have slid shut for a while because when I awoke the air was chilled and made warnings of the approaching night. The loftwing was standing on my chest, head cocked to the side as it pecked at my face. I moaned and turned onto my stomach clutching on the sheets. Why did waking up have to suck so much?!
        Anger over took me and I flung my sheets halfway across the room and stood up quickly. I instantly regretted it as I felt light headed and wobbled a bit. I held out my arm for the bird to hop on and he quickly agreed. I arrived back at the camp. I was rather surprised at the progress, and set down the left over meal from early over the fire. I don't even remember picking it up. Maybe I just warped it here from elsewhere.
        Kukiel was in a deep sleep by a fire. A blanket from goddess-know-where consuming her. Gully was busy chopping down wood even though I'm sure we already had more than enough for a cabin. Who had helped him? I scanned the area and my eyes fell on Kikwi, several of them! They hacked away at the trees with their short but sharp nails.
        It didn't take long for them to catch wind of me and hide away. Or, ya know... face plant. Bad pun is bad. A grin stretched my face and Gully waved. I felt relief wash over me. I didn't know why, though. Was I afraid he'd be angered by my tardiness? Like hell if I should care!
        "Hi, Ghira!" He chirped. "Can you help me build the house now?" I skimmed over him; he was drenched in sweat and looked as if he were seeking my approval right about now. I debated back and forth whether to give it to him or not. I oddly enough couldn't bring myself to not to. I quickly nodded and his face beamed.
        "Have you eaten today?" I asked. He looked a bit taken back at my question and shook his head. "Well, there's leftover I brought with me by Kukiel heating up. Go eat and I'll get the house set up," I sighed. Gully grinned again and moved over to the fire, inspecting his food. The Kikwi had shied a bit closer and peered at me with fear and hatred in their eyes. I waved casually and they scampered off.
        I hacked away at the hours, building up the cabin. A few spells here and there, but mostly my amazing handy work. Sunset had crept in slowly and the cabin was done. The atmosphere changed as I pushed open the door to their new home. I didn't even notice Kukiel wake up but nonetheless her and Gully dashed in. Poor Link abandoned a few feet back from the fire.
        I turned my back to them and casted a large spell. It hurt like hell but it was well worth it. The spell would last for a good six months. It removed the sight of the cabin to all beings except the four of us. I decided not to tell them, as then they'd fear ever leaving our little dome.
        "I have to go," I whispered towards them. My words were delivered by the wind and they nodded happily. "Keep an eye on Li-- the baby and the loftwing while I'm gone," I commanded. They nodded again. I didn't bother to say goodbye and disappeared within my crystals. Dinner time!
        I grinned. My cooking wasn't the best but when Demise put on an apron he was pretty good. I changed into new clothes quickly. The dinner party was just starting when I walked in. I instantly regretted ever attending. Demise's ignorance to the problem was even worse.
        Okay, the other adult there wasn't a problem. Her long hair was tied in off to the side and dangling wildly. Impa glanced at me and she tried to hide her disgust. I felt an odd connection as if we were on the same side. I hated the woman, but she wasn't my concern right now. No, it was the wooden carriage beside her.
        And so the legend begins once more.
Alright- This is early. Super early. And uber long. I think I prefer writing long texts. A bit more interesting. I'll write like this more often.
Comments and Favs make me feel loved and move my hands a little quicker at writing ; n;

I'm going to make this warning now-
This story is a Ghirahim/Link. I suggest leaving now if you don't support the couple.

Edit: Typos and loop holes edited out.

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